Saturday, April 10, 2010


I didn't do a very good job at getting good photos on Easter, but I'll share what I got.

Firstly, all the checking out the Easter baskets, still dressed up for Church photos:

After Church, some enjoying the warm weather
Fliss with bubble solution and sand on her butt:
Our neighbor offered to help Savannah paint her butterfly house. Here she is running back to surprise me with the results behind her back.
Butterfly house, with giraffe on top:
Sam is (almost) big enough to wear his NICU Graduate shirt
Alan, practicing fly fishing after dinner. He made it look a lot harder than the people on TV. :)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hooray, it's spring for real!

Felicity helping out with some yard work


Yes, she's dumping sand down his back, and he's apparently enjoying it.


Savannah was practicing aim by trying to hit the clothesline pole.

A box of Easter goodies arrived! Thanks, Grandma and Grandad! The kids loved it. The girls are especially fond of the little bunnies.

We decided to give egg hunting another try, so we went to the one at the park in our town. It was a hundred times better than the other one we went to - half as many people in twice as much space and much better organization. However... they had the age groups separate. I told Savannah to go down the line a little bit so she'd get to the right age area for her, and she wasn't really paying attention and went way too far. I ran to go grab her really quick and Felicity seized the opportunity to start grabbing eggs before they actually started the egg hunt! Haha, so we threw those back and waited for the whistle. Unfortunately, while we were waiting, a mother - actually one of our neighbors - completely by accident backed up a little and stepped on Felicity's foot. So then when they did blow the whistle seconds later, it took her a minute to get over her pout and start collecting eggs. She still got a few and had a fun time though, despite the look on her face in this photo.

See, she was happy again by the time we relocated Savannah.

Checking out the loot.

Sam wasn't into picking up eggs, but he played with ones the girls got.

Everybody got chocolate bunnies, which we enjoyed at our new (to us) picnic table when we got home.

Before the egg hunt this morning, I took Savannah to one of the kid workshops at Home Depot. She built a butterfly house. It's a little unevenly assembled, but she really did it pretty much by herself (as I was busy trying to keep Sam and Fliss away from the wood glue and hammers) and I think she did a pretty good job. Sometime this week I guess we'll paint it.

More random outdoorsy stuff, starting with Felicity trying to buckle Savannah into the baby swing.

Grandma and Grandad, I just want you to see how well loved those bunnies have been in just a couple days, I hope it shows in the photo...

Shh... the Easter Bunny already came!